TURKEY - 2009

The final stop in my Middle East travels, Turkey was a gentle reintroduction to a more westernized country, while still retaining elements of times long past.


SYRIA - 2009

Syria, despite its dubious image, is indeed filled with some of the most genuine and generous people that I have ever come across, in any country.

Plus, they have a seemingly limitless supply of baklava.


JORDAN - 2009

Jordan is an adventurers paradise, filled with magical places to visit and explore, all scattered across a simple and low-key land.


EGYPT - 2008

This is where I began my Middle East tour. It's a country that presents some of the largest contrasts I've ever come across - theres the dull, brown, endless desert on the surface, but then the the stunning colours of the reef and fish once one merely dips their head under the surface of the Red Sea. Added to that is a fascinating, rich history filled with ancient treasures.